Location Information

Community College of Vermont (CCV) – St. Albans


97 N Main Street, Suite 200
St. Albans, VT 05478
Phone: 802-524-6541
Fax: 802-524-5216
Text: 802-752-4498

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Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Friday: 8:00am – 4:00pm

CCV-St. Albans will be closed on Friday, March 7. Virtual and phone appointments available!

Please review CCV’s academic calendar for holiday closures and other important dates.

Parking & Transportation

Parking Information
It is highly recommended for those planning to attend class at the center to register for and obtain parking privileges from CCV to park in the St. Albans Parking Garage located at 29 Federal Street. There is no cost for parking, however, you must register your vehicle information before privileges can be given to you. You will need to provide accurate license plate numbers for up to two vehicles.

To register for free parking, please visit https://andromeda.ccv.vsc.edu/Parking/sta_parking.cfm.
It will take two business days for most requests to be processed.

Friendly reminder: The City of St. Albans strictly enforces street parking. Street parking is limited to two hours until 5PM. As most courses are nearly three hours long, students can be ticketed for utilizing street parking for the duration of their class period.

Congress Street Parking Lot
CCV staff and faculty may park in the Congress Street parking Lot. This lot is reserved for building tenants, and CCV staff and faculty with valid privileges only. If you are a student that requires handicapped parking and you have a valid placard, please contact the Saint Albans City Hall to inquire about parking here.

Public Transportation
Green Mountain Transit provides a local shuttle, #110 St. Albans Downtown Shuttle, which runs hourly. The closest bus stop to CCV is located on North Main Street by Taylor Park. Please check their limited schedule at ridegmt.com/st-albans-downtown-shuttle/

Academic Advising
Want some advice on your next step toward success? Call or stop by the front desk to make an appointment with your advisor.

New Student Advising Appointments (NSAA)
The first step all new degree-seeking students take is to schedule a one-on-one NSAA with an advisor. Please call the center to find a time that works for you.

All new degree-seeking students will sign up for an orientation when they register for classes. Check out the schedule to choose the best day and time for you.

Scheduling Assessments
Self-schedule an Accuplacer here.
Self-schedule a QRA here.
For scheduling questions, call 802-524-6541.

Financial Aid
Apply as soon as possible to make sure you can register for classes on time.

United Way Resource Coordinators
CCV’s United Way Working Bridges Coordinators are available to support students with transportation, housing, childcare, healthcare, and financial management. They can be reached via email anytime at workingbridgesteam@unitedwaynwvt.org.

Need help with homework? Get online, on-demand help around the clock with Tutor.com. Students can connect with over 3,000 qualified tutors, drop off an essay for review, and even take practice quizzes. This service is available 24/7 through each Canvas classroom. To sign in to Tutor.com, go to your Canvas course online and find On-Demand in the Tutor.com navigation menu. Click on the link. No further login necessary.

Ready to get started?

Apply today or contact us with any questions.